Jacques Morn et's [non] meth od
offers you the pleasure of playing from the very first note, in a permanent search for musicality, and then to work very early on the phrasing by leaning on the joints, using the body's movements and the infinite possibilities of the bellows.
All the exercises for keyboards or piano, French, Italian and Bayan system, are filmed and presented on the 2 DVDs attached to the collection, subtitled in several languages.
Main office :
+33 (0)4 73 22 27 45 -
General terms and conditions
SARL au capital de 4 000€ - Siret 524 605 110 000 21 - APE 8552Z
Centre de Formation Professionnelle agréé Nº 83 63 04106 63
© 2024 All rights reserved | CNIMA Jacques Mornet